Infrastructure & Equipment Purchases That Grow Farm Profits
You think it’s time to scale your flower or specialty farming operation. You’ve been growing flowers in the field for two, three or even more years now. You have increased production every year and your sales outlets are really starting to come together. You need to expand production on your farm and become more efficient. It’s time to add some infrastructure and large equipment to your flower farming enterprise. But these are big expenditures, right? You need to spend your money wisely and get the best bang for your buck. This blog will discuss some investments in your property and equipment that will boost efficiency, increase production, and grow revenue for your farm.

Four Financial Mistakes New Flower Farmers Make in Their Business
There has never been a better time to start growing flowers on a commercial basis in the US. While 80% of flowers sold in the U.S. come from Africa and South America, local flowers are in greater demand due to continuing supply chain disruptions that are still happening in this post-pandemic world. Flower farming is not a low-risk endeavor, nor is it for the faint of heart. Your very livelihood can be affected by weather, pests, and disease. A lot is at stake for the flower farmer and this blog serves to help you navigate some of the financial mistakes that can be made by new flower farmers.